Ars Artis Ceccarelli

Tra la pittura e la scultura non trovo altra differenza, senonché lo scultore conduce le sue opere con maggior fatica di corpo che il pittore, ed il pittore conduce le opere sue con maggior fatica di mente. (Leonardo da Vinci)


Silk & Bamboo



cm.88x54 - 25 deep - 1998


This piece has a unique history.

Working with clay is enormously satisfying for the pliability and versatility of the material.

But it has its own limitations. If one wants to do something that goes beyond a limiting compactness for the intended composition, the material starts falling apart not having any self supporting properties, at that point it needs an armature.

So, wanting to explore more extended forms I started playing with bamboo canes searching for a less contained proposition. Then in order to fill in the vacant spaces within the newly elaborated structure I resorted to normal surgery gauze drenched in molten wax. 

Hence the title, but in order not to be too reductive the gauze became a nobler silk, evoking then some subtle Zen quality.

The freedom afforded by this working method gave me the opportunity for flights of the imagination, creating what now appears as some kind of exploding tower, complete with projected cantilever.

In fact it could be seen as an innovative and daring project for a fabulous skyscraper for some extravagant middle eastern oil tycoon in search of celebrity and wanting to do it better and fancier then anyone of his equally noble and enlightened competitors. 

Beware! The architect inside is always lurking for an opportunity to take off, and seek vindication! 

However, not having ever had any Maecenas like patronage for large scale follies, one was forced to stick to a sculpted domestic size object, which though, as often is the case, it’s crying out for a monumental dimension, whereas the current bronze cast presentation gives the piece further emphasis to its exuberant potential.

Giorgio Attilio Ceccarelli